Darkness Within

Hello, human.
It's nice meeting you again.

How are you this week?
I think my week was so-so.
Not entirely reasonable but not wrong, either.

I'm still searching for purposes as usual. But I think I'm in the middle of a transition from both the emotional and physical worlds.

Recently I'm thinking about redecorating my room (read: tidying up the mess) so I could have my own crafting place for my projects. I decided that I need to do something with my free time, so instead of making something new, I decided to continue what I've been left before. Picking it up and making something out of it again.
The purpose of tidying up the physical world mess is to help my emotional world reach and gain something. So I don't feel stuck or sad because I often think that I'm not doing anything with my life? I know this is not true, but sometimes it feels like it is true.

So yeah, that's about it.
I guess.

How about you? Are you feeling any change in the air lately?

Well, see you next week,
Happy Saturday!



Top: Ninotchka
Skirt: Unbranded
Scarf: Unbranded
Earring: mapupam
Ring: Greedysassy
Shoes: Converse

What's your opinion?