Scarlett Whitening, When The Moisturizer is Your Friend

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Scarlett Whitening, When The Moisturizer is Your Friend

It's nice to meet you all again.
How are you in 7 months of self lockdown situation? I hope you're still going strong, and I hope you guys even healthy and happy, mind and body.
Well, I want to tell you abou…

Kumulo Creative Compound, Feel the Breeze

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Kumulo Creative Compound, Feel the Breeze

Hello humans! How are you doing? Me? In this global pandemic situation? Not so well. Since March (it's been 7 months!), I've been working from home, and there's no clue when everything will go back to normal. For…

QUO Studio and the Magic of Colors!

Thursday, October 1, 2020

QUO Studio and the Magic of Colors!

Quo Studio (previously BloBar Salon) was already captured women's uniqueness since 2014. They specialize in hair coloring with professional ombré technique & used various daring colors. In 2018 they rethought an…